Self Love
Universal Heart
Universal Heart
Universal Heart
Self Love
Heart Circle
Equality in our universal hearts
From the perspective of universal evolutionary cycles his story ended in 2012. We are now 13 years into a new evolutionary cycle and our planetary star family is being supported by source love to re-evolve beyond 'just surviving' in a fearful egoic territorial consciousness into source love unity consciousness.
In his story we created our universal life experience from a fearful egoic belief in 'superior' and 'inferior' universal life forms, an illusion that sadly led to much self inflicted conflict and death within the patri/matriarchal hierarchy that was our societal structure. It also led to us becoming the only destructive universal life form within this whole planetary life support system which billions of other whole universal life forms have been co-creating and co-evolving in universal harmony and balance for many billions of years.
It is now time for our planetary star family to remember the truth our whole universal hearts, minds and bodies tell us. We are all equally powerful planetary, galactic, universal souls. All equally designed with the same powers of source loving creation. All equally created from and connected to the source love field (his-storical scientists call the quantum field). All equally designed to receive the unique information we need to successfully walk our unique universal heart path during this planetary incarnation directly from source love into our whole universal energy field every moment of this temporary universal life time.
Every whole universal life form, including ourselves, is programmed to co-create and co-evolve together as one vast network of many billions of whole galactic life systems that form this whole system of universal life and death. Although universal evolution brings many challenges in our lives, it is successfully moving through these challenges together that ensures the ongoing evolution of this whole system of universal life and death. This is the primary purpose of each and every whole universal life form source creates within this multi dimensional whole system of universal life and death.
Every member of our planetary star family has this evolutionary impulse deep within our whole universal hearts, minds and bodies. If source is guiding you to co-create this universal heart circle. You are ready to fully open yourself to receive the vision of the role you are here to play in the creation of a new planetary star society of universal peace, harmony, balance and abundance for everyone. A vision you have carried as a seed in your whole universal heart since your birth on this planet.
We will co-create this universal heart circle together, all trusting the pure frequencies of source love we are receiving directly into our whole universal energy field in the present moment. Sharing the loving wisdom of our whole universal hearts, minds and bodies with each other. Creating one harmonic energy field of universal loving wisdom we are all making an equal contribution to.
I will offer a guided journey to support you connecting with the beautiful vision of your love filled life you are here to co-create with source and this planetary star family. I will transmit universal heart frequencies to help you open your own abilities to receive and transmit these pure frequencies of source love that help you re-align and re-balance your whole universal energy field with the whole loving universe you have always been living in.
After we have journeyed together there will be an opportunity to share your universal hearts vision for those who would like to. Knowing as we share our whole universal hearts, minds and bodies truth with each other. We are using the collective power of our universal hearts to hold one loving vision of our planetary star family as a fully awake universal society. Living together peacefully in the awareness we have always been equal members of this vast family of universal life that has been co-creating and co-evolving this whole system of universal life and death for many many billions of years.
If your universal heart guides to participate please email me for more details. I look forward to seeing you there!