Self Love
Universal Heart
Universal Heart
Universal Heart
Self Love
Whole Heart Vision
Our universal hearts see the whole
As we find the courage to fully open our whole universal hearts, minds and bodies to the loving intelligence of source. They reveal to us despite the death, chaos and destruction we inflicted upon ourselves and this beautiful planet during his story.
We have always been living in an infinitely abundant, peaceful and eternally loving universe.
As we move forward together in this new evolutionary cycle. It is for us to recognise the need for a new kind of leadership on this planet.
Each of us must choose to lead ourselves with the vision we receive in our own whole universal hearts and minds, directly from source love
Every one of us has a unique and equal role to play in the co-creation of a new planetary society of universal peace, harmony, balance and loving abundance for us all. With the network of the 7.7 billion universal hearts of our planetary star family as its structure. Living together in the truth of equality and unity known to every whole universal heart and mind.
During this session I support you journeying deeper into your whole universal heart to connect with the beautiful vision of your love filled universal life you have been carrying as a seed in your heart since your birth on this planet.
As a universal soul you are ready to bring your vision directly from the source love field that is the limitless potential of universal creation and have complete clarity on
your path forward
Together we will be supporting you releasing fears that are preventing you access the full power of your hearts vision. As you choose to open up and trust the loving intelligence of your whole universal heart, mind and body and its infinitely loving wisdom that comes directly from source love.
You will be creating a deeper loving relationship with your universal heart, mind and body so moving forward on your unique universal heart path you know source is supporting you every day to nurture your vision. Bringing confidence and trust your vision will continue to grow and blossom as your everyday love filled universal life in the perfection of universal time as source designs.
By choosing to follow the loving guidance you are receiving directly from source on a daily basis. You become a universal heart network activator. Consciously participating in the creation of a planet wide network of whole universal hearts through which the eternal truth UNIVERSAL LIFE IS LOVE! will flow freely in the years to come.
We complete the session with you using your innate creative abilities to beautifully illustrate your whole universal hearts vision using bright, colourful and inspiring art materials with my support. Bringing through the energy of PASSION, EXCITEMENT, JOY, HAPPINESS and FULFILLMENT you feel when seeing and expressing your whole universal hearts vision.
So you can stay connected with your expansive heart frequencies that are your powers of universal loving creation as you move forward towards co-creating your whole universal hearts vision with source and our universal family.
This session is offered online and in my West Sussex home UK
1.5 hours £1000 This does not include the practical creative session
3 hours £2000 in my West Sussex home UK only
Heart Vision nurture session for ongoing support online
1 hour £750
I look forward to supporting you soon. Please use my contact page to book these sessions.